Sunday, July 03, 2011

4th of July Holiday Delay Notice

Independence Day 2005Image by protoflux via Flickr
Due to our travel plans for this Fourth of July Holiday weekend, we anticipate a delay of our Saturday night lottery results on our site. Since we will be in rural Pennsylvania, we may have difficulty accessing the internet.

However, we will be returning home on Sunday evening and will update all results that night if we haven't already done so.

In addition, we will not be posting the Saturday night Powerball results on this blog until Monday.

Have a safe and enjoyable holiday everyone!

PS: That's not us in the picture, it's been provided by Zemanta.
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Note: Based on the results of our Poll , we decided to recommend all Power & Mega balls in every drawing after Octorber 22, 2007. This change will make these lotteries consistent with the International and other "mega" ball based lotteries.
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