Tuesday, September 30, 2008

To Entrecard Visitors - We're Back

As an experiment, we decided to join the Entrecard network about 2 1/2 weeks ago, linking in this Blog, our website LotteryPowerPicks.com , and our Bimonthly Blog John Lottery's Bimonthly Lottery Articles . We were thrilled and shocked by the enthusiastic reception that we received from all of you.

Then last Friday, we discovered that we were logged out and couldn't login to Entrecard again. Checking our mail that night, we learned that the administrators deleted this blog & our website.

After various discussions, Entrecard agreed to reinstate this blog and keep our bimonthly. This morning, we received the wonderful news that we could login once again.

Thank-you Entrecard!

We really appreciate being part of this networked community and will begin to reestablish our advertising and card dropping.

We are sorry for the interruption and truly missed visiting your sites.

We want to thank all of you who supported us, and especially those who bought ads on our website. Over the next couple of weeks, we will be making changes to our website to allow for front page link exchanges with those of you Entrecard members who wish to participate. Please reply to this post if you're interested. We sincerely believe that:

Entrecard is the Best
We're Glad to be Back

We hope you continue to visit our Blogs, and although it's not part of the network, our website too. We promise to keep working for you by expanding our coverage and keeping you informed.

Thanks again,

JL ..........

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Note: Based on the results of our Poll , we decided to recommend all Power & Mega balls in every drawing after Octorber 22, 2007. This change will make these lotteries consistent with the International and other "mega" ball based lotteries.
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