Monday, November 22, 2010

UK Thunderball Reveals Delta Equaling Multiple of Sixes

Once again, the UK Thunderball Lottery drew a somewhat Crazy Combo on Friday November 19, 2010. In that drawing, the 5 white ball sequence was:

07 13 25 31 37

If you examine these numbers closely, you will observe the delta spread between the numbers to each be a multiple of 6.

Deltas : [ 06 12 06 06 ]

Due to the nature of randomness, the space between numbers is rarely a consistent spread or an even multiple of an integer. 

Additionally, this sequence contains 4 Prime numbers and one Square number.

Further, the entire sequence consists of odd numbers, but this is expected because the starting number is odd and each of the deltas are even.

Many lottery experts advise against choosing numbers that follow a pattern. But, we recommend that if you are trying to devise a winning lottery selection combination, don't ever dismiss the hidden power of multiples.

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Note: Based on the results of our Poll , we decided to recommend all Power & Mega balls in every drawing after Octorber 22, 2007. This change will make these lotteries consistent with the International and other "mega" ball based lotteries.
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